Welcome to the OFFICIAL website of

Pointless Apology

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  Latest News:    


  03.21.02 - A few minor enhancements
03.08.02 - Uploaded new pictures
03.08.02 - FINALLY got guestbook back up and running after being down for a couple of weeks... sorry about that everyone
12.06.01 - Added new chat forum
12.03.01 - New images added to the media section
12.03.01 - Added new desktop wallpaper
12.03.01 - Finally got a properly functioning guestbook - please sign it!
09.06.01 - New images added to the media section
08.18.01 - New images added to the media section
08.07.01 - The official launch of pointlessapology.freeservers.com!!  
08.07.01 - Welcome to the one and only OFFICIAL website devoted to the next big name in punk/ska in Southern Ontario! We have been working tirelessly for the past few months, perfecting our original music and making preparations for our first major gig. No definite plans yet, but keep checking back for more info. We also hope to make a recording soon as well.  

> Want Pointless Apology to perform for you?? (Of course you do) Then click here <      
        Sign up for the Pointless Apology newsletter - enter your e-mail address in the box below.

KickInTheHead.com: True North, Strong and Loud! [3k]



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